Current Semester Calendar

SpeakerTalk TitleDate
Seminar and Teaching ForumSpring semester planningJanuary 17
Teaching Forum
Vera Ioudina, TXST
Department of Mathematics
Workshop: Statistical Software Rguroo for Elementary StatisticsJanuary 24
Teaching Forum
Vera Ioudina, TXST
Department of Mathematics
Teaching Statistics:
GAISE Recommendations
January 31
Tom Grimes, TXST
School of Journalism and Mass Communication
The Trivialization of Randomization. Is this the Reason Social Science Research Won’t Replicate?February 7
Paul Roback, St. Olaf College
Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science
Envisioning Data Science 2
as a cornerstone of a new major
February 14
Robert Gould, UCLA
Statistics and Data Sciences
Math Department Colloquium. TBAFebruary 21
Kim Rossmo, TXST
School of Criminal Justice
Significance Testing:
“Science’s Dirty Little Secret”
February 28
Peter Mueller, UT Austin,
Mathematics, Statistics and Data Sciences
TBAMarch 7
Alan Vazquez,
Tec de Monterrey, Mexico
A review of Design of Experiment courses offered to undergraduate students at American universitiesMarch 21
Yuan Lu, TXST,
Institute for Molecular Life Sciences
TBAMarch 28
Kevin Slote, Georgia State University, MathematicsTBAApril 4
Wei Zhu, Georgia TechApril 11
Teaching ForumSpring semester overviewApril 18

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